Wednesday, October 27, 2010
The Atacama Desert
It was a truly humbling experience. I truly realized the massive extent of nature in terms of size as well as time. I also realized how helpless I was when left exposed to the elements. It really let me feel the brevity that is the length of a human life. Being 5'2" I've never thought I was very large, but standing in the sand dunes with sand as far as the eye can see, stretching all the way to the shadows of the Andes mountains in the distance, truly allowed me to feel microscopic.
"Saving nature" makes it sound as though we're far more important than we are. The truth of the matter is that we are trying to preserve something that could tear us apart if the weather continues to become more volatile. Furthermore, it is something upon which we all depend. In saving nature, what we are actually attempting is to save ourselves. Though we can continue to impact our environment, it will continue long after we are all gone.
It is vitally important that we conserve, reduce, reuse, and recycle, but it is for ourselves that we do these things. Conservation is in our best interest. It is what will ensure that the earth can provide for future generations. However, it will continue long past human existence.
The Meadow

Growing up my entire life in a city, true encounters with nature were really rare. I love living in cities and my city is very green (its called the city of the oaks) but I do wish that I had more opportunities to experience real nature. That being said, the most magical encounter with nature that I've ever had was in the center of my city, in a huge meadow tucked away that I never knew about. It was my Senior year in high school and I was with my friends walking around NC State college in downtown Raleigh. Although we've been to NC States Campus thousands of times, we've never noticed the meadow that's in the middle of it. It was this huge grassy area outlined by flowers and trees, with the brick buildings of the school surrounding it. It was the perfect combination of the peace of nature with the excitement of the city. I have no idea how we ever missed it before but we took full advantage of it. Running down hills, taking pictures, and playing frisbee, we were kids again. We knew it was one of the last times we would all be together before we left for college and we were so glad we found this magical place in the middle of the city where we could just play.
I do think "saving nature" is something we should concern ourselves with. If we didn't save nature we would have no chance at making memories like the ones we're putting in these blog posts. I can't imagine a life that did not have a park full of trees, a rose garden, or a hidden away meadow. Without all this, life would be dreary. Not to mention all of the different plants and animals that call nature home, we are visiting their home and it is our duty to protect it for them. We need to save nature and we need to keep biodiversity thriving.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Beauty in your own Background
To that effect, I absolutely think saving nature is something humans need to be concerned about. As much as this might be a cliche, I think that we have a responsibility to save nature if not for ourselves, than at least for the generations who come after us. They should have every chance we have had, if not more, to experience what an amazing planet we live on, to get caught by surprise in the beauty of an unexpected vista driving down the interstate or even just to realize how magnificent our own backyards can be. I also really like what Paul Wapner says about being members of an ecological community rather than masters of it. We are, as much as we might think otherwise, a part of this planet, and I think we have a duty to keep it as beautiful and vibrant as we can, for ultimately it isn't our earth to destroy. We're just borrowing it, and we should take the best care of it we can.
I believe that nature is something that we should be very concerned about as we humans are fundamentally part of nature. We depend on nature for sustenance, water, and countless other resources. In fact, it is nearly impossible to think of a thing that humans use that does not come from nature. But more than simple survival, nature reminds us where we come from and the simple beauty of life. I think this journey of self discovery and adventure must be preserved so future generations can enjoy the beauties of Northern Ontario and other sacred places just as I did.
Magical African Safari

I obviously think saving nature should be something we concern ourselves with; otherwise I would not have had such an amazing experience for one. Nature is also very inspiring for people such as in the arts, whether is it writing books or painting portraits, or photography. Those reasons however are not very important for everyone. The idea of saving nature plays into the idea that we need to get everyone on board to care. In order to do these we must frame the issue as saving nature will help the human species. Saving nature, whether it is the rainforests, the coral reef, or your backyard, is very important. Scientific reasons to save nature include biodiversity or the fact that we rely on these ecosystems in various ways. For example we obtain certain resources for medicine or agriculture and can thank the rainforest systems for maintain certain weather patterns and the supply of fresh air and water. While I wish people would just have an appreciation for nature, it just is not that way. People need some more magical and enchanting time with the non-human world – I am posting pictures to share mine!!!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
I Like Turtles
Wind Power
While riding the metro to work, I read a Washington Post story about google financing a “superhighway” for wind power. I was uplifted by the story for a number of reasons. First, in the article, google acknowledges the enormous demands its company places on the electrical grid of the United States and plans to take a concrete action to reduce the impacts of its electricity generation. Second, it shows that a major company is willing to take a risk and potentially sacrifice profits on an initiative that will dramatically expand offshore wind power in the United States using a model that can be exported around the world. Finally, this is an example of how technology can be used to minimize impact in the I=PAT equation. By eliminating the need for transmission lines from offshore wind farms with the “wind superhighway” constructed on the continental shelf, google is using technology to lower America’s environmental impact.
While it might be even more encouraging to see google launch a conservation initiative in tandem with the wind power investments or new server technology that would consume less energy, this is a step in the right direction towards a clean energy future. For better or for worse, the actions corporations are vital in confronting the climate crisis and google’s actions will hopefully lead the way for a new era of businesses doing the right thing and protecting our environment.
Finally, we can stop drinking
I think this is a great story of how regulation and careful planning can restore the environment even after it has seemingly been destroyed by man. It makes me hopeful that we can still reverse the effects of our ever more intense resource consumption. However, it has been a 50 year long cleanup project. I recognize that we have a long road in front of us, but it sure is nice to see that there could be light at the end of the tunnel.
You can find the whole article at:
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Small Company, Big Impacts
What I find really interesting about this company is that it has such a diverse group of employees, not all who come from an environmental field. My uncle is the CEO of the company and he is new to the environmental world. I like the concept that it shows anyone with the initiative can go out and make a difference. And I believe these small companies like rTerra are going to play a huge role in converting our society to a greener and healthy one.
It's a pretty cool company and I encourage you all to check them out!
Wangari Maathai
So glad we're finally talking about something positive! The upbeat environmentalist I chose to spotlight for this entry is Wangari Maathai, a Kenyan woman who was the impetus behind the country's Green Belt Movement. Basically, she saw that women suffer as much (if not more so) than men from environmental degradation, even if they're partly responsible, so she encouraged women to start planting trees all over Kenya to both make people better off and help the environment. You can read more about her at the GBM's website:
Basically, she kicks butt. She's run for president (more as a statement than to actually get elected) and has been imprisoned before for vocally protesting Kenyan policies. She's a great example of a grassroots, on-the-ground environmental activist who's truly making a difference, and she's also a great role model for women in low-income countries, inspiring them to take initiative and fix the things they see going wrong.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Food Choices are Money choices
What makes things worse is often times college students must eat at a dining hall or a restaurant. In these venues it is more difficult to determine the eco-friendliness of a product. You are not sure where the product was purchased from, if it’s organic, or how it was prepared. There is a certain amount of trust that the consumer places in the venue to articulate the correct information to them or to assume that they have a set practiced standard. The same argument can be made about the supermarkets, because often times a label on a product is misleading, so the consumer is placing trust in the corporation that they are giving them what they want.
Over the past two days I would probably say that the beverage items that I’ve consumed have had the greatest impact on the environment. Typically my diet consists of mostly vegetables and proteins, and yesterday I (unintentionally) used all fresh vegetables. The meat I ate had an impact, I’m not entirely sure how it was raised but I know that the slaughter process was not environmentally friendly. I’m not sure where the meat came from, or how far it was shipped, but I do know how it was cooked and it was done in a way that caused little environmental damage. But there are is so much about beverage production that I don’t know, which is frightening. Typically I drink in terms of beverages water, milk, juice, and coffee. I don’t drink soda which cuts down a lot of health risks, but high levels of sugar in juice and caffeine in coffee can cause issues. The treatment of these beverages is where the real concern lies. I know that the tap water in DC is not safe and must be filtered, because it is treated with chemicals which must have some environmental impacts. The milk must be pasteurized which is another process that most likely takes some kind of toll on the environment. The juice comes from fruits, and after reading a report on the pesticides used on pineapples in Costa Rica a few days ago, it frightens me as to what type of pesticides are used and what the effects could be for my health and the health of the environment in the farm. And the production of coffee has caused a stir among many developing nations who are attempting sustainable development because of the corruption and destructive nature. This doesn’t even take into consideration the bottling of any of these products, even if they use recycled bottles there is still a degree of degradation that occurs. It’s frightening to think about the potential that one bottle of orange juice in the morning can do.
Food Choices
I agree with Quinn and the others that making food choices for the benefit of the environment is extremely difficult in college due to cost and lack of knowledge about the subject.
Recently however due to what I have learned in this class and others, when making food choices, I have been increasingly taking into account environmental considerations. From a trophic perspective in the Pollan article and other sources, it is clear that eating a secondary or tertiary consumer such as an animal is at least ten times more energy intensive than eating a primary consumer such as a plant. While sometimes it can be rude to disrupt social norms at family dinners or when others have prepared food for guests, when I am in sole control of my food choices, I often try to make food choices that will be the least bad and most efficient for the environment. Affordability and convenience are also factors in these decisions. While this 'fair weather' foodie perspective may seem as though it lacks courage, I feel relatively new at understanding the true impacts of food and hope to develop more in the future.
I think the food with the greatest environmental impact I have eaten was probably the top ramen packet I had for dinner last night. In the process of its contents being processed, plastic wrapped, and transported around the globe, it likely made an enormous environmental impact. It is extremely difficult for college student to eat healthily let alone sustainably given the time pressures of class, work, and other commitments along with the high price of healthier fare. I hope that we can start to change this in an effort to green our agricultural system and our eating habits.
Money, Money, Money
Food's Environmental Impact
That being said, though, I think I have this sort of perverse attitude towards food, especially meat; I'll eat it, but I really hate knowing where it comes from. For example, my dad is a pretty passionate hunter, and he usually brings home at least one or two deer every year (usually from the field past our back yard). Eating venison is probably one of the most environmentally friendly things I could do - the deer are wild, so they eat sustainably; the environmental cost of transporting the food is the 20 yards my dad walks from the field to our house; and the deer population is a big problem in PA, so hunting deer actually helps prevent car accidents with them (or so my dad tells me). However, I've always thought shooting those deer was so cruel, and I always refused to eat any burgers or jerkey he made with the venison. I know the conditions the cows I eat live in are so much more cruel, but for some reason, because I don't have to see that, I can disconnect myself from it. I know that probably doesn't make any sense, but there it is.
Getting to the second part of this question, the food I've eaten in the past few days that probably has the most environmental impact is any of the meat I've eaten - either the chicken I had for dinner Sunday, the sausage on my pizza last night, or the ham I'm having tonight. The chicken probably had the most impact, though, because in addition to any original transport costs, it was from a frozen ready-made meal my room mate's mom had made, so the chicken also had associated with it the transportation costs is took my room mate to drive from Connecticut to DC. I think transportation associated with meat and produce is probably the biggest factor when considering environmental impact, but for meat, especially, we also have to look at methane emissions from cows, the pollution generated so many animals living in such close proximity, and other issues. None of these things are easy to think about, though, and I feel like a good proportion of people (myself included, at least partly) just ignore them.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
The health and environmental impact of food
When I am grocery shopping for the week, I never think about how the food I am buying if affecting the environment. What I do normally think of is first what these groceries are going to cost me and then I think about how healthy/unhealthy this food is. Until my College Writing food writing seminar, I never even linked what I eat and the environment. It is just so easy to lift food off the shelf and not even wonder or care where it came from as long as I am not going hungry. I never think about how far these vegetables may have travelled or the preservatives or chemicals that have made it so they lasted the journey.
Over the past couple of days, the steak dinner that I had on Sunday night probably had the biggest environmental impact. The meat industry has huge negative impacts on the environment from green house gas emissions, methane being the largest, to large amounts of water use to feed livestock. There was an interesting article published by Cornell University that actually stated the US could feed 800 million people with grain that livestock eat. This means that cutting down our meat intake could not only improve the environment but could also help feed millions of starving people around the world. Besides steak, along with my dinner I had some broccoli which according to the USDA probably came from either China or India because they are the two largest exporters of broccoli. If you think of the travelling that broccoli had to do in order to get on my dinner plate used a lot of oil and preservatives to make sure that it was still fresh by the time I ate it. I also ate some mashed potatoes which did come from Idaho because I saw the label but obviously still had a bit of a trip to make it to Washington, DC.
While I do realize the negative impact our food choices has one the environment, it is definitely not something I really think about. I think it is safe to say that it is also not something the general public really thinks about as well. Buying local and cutting back on a few things we eat are very easy ways for people to lessen their environmental footprint but just don’t know enough about it. I think it is something that should be brought up and discussed more so people really know about the impact of what they are eating. I think it would be effective to link personal health and environmental impact when it comes to making choices about food in order to get the public on board. For example realizing that buying local fruit or bread that does not contain preservatives or chemicals is better for your health as well as the environment. Changing decisions on food is just another lifestyle change that is going to require people to change their attitudes toward the environment.