Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Overstimulated Public

The juxtaposition of the Fish article and the Maniates article creates an interesting conundrum. While Maniates insists that our leaders must ask the public to do more and move past the easy be a better consumer approach Fish says even the basics are too much. This is the inherent problem Maniates faces. It's how to mobilize the consumers to think beyond their own actions when often they aren't even making that small step. Maniates suggests that the general be public be asked of greatness, yet how do you reach greatness when they are disinterested. Yes, there is more each person could be doing, but how do you make people understand the urgency of the situation? Such as the situation Stephen was in last weekend where the campground manager didn't even recycle.

I agree with both of my group mates that no action should be discouraged. With such an indifferent public flooded with images of a bad economy, constant lay offs, failing public school systems, and two different wars, I'm unsure how this vague concept of the environment will break through. You can't discourage those who at least have the environment on their radar.

My question to you, Mr. Maniates, is how do you engage the public and push them past these small steps?

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